Tel: +36 30 583 3700
E-mail: info at somloi dot hu
Our shop is on the Southern, Somlovasarhely side of Somlo Hill, half – way on the main road leading to the hilltop.
GPS coordinates: Lat/X 47.139670 Lon/Y 17.37265 , Google MAP
Driving Instructions
We are in Veszprem County, nr. Somlovasarhely H -8481. On road No.8 at Somlovasarhely turn towards Somlo Hill, signposted: Somlo-Hegy/Csordas Fodor Borhaz. Once reached the foot of the Hill, the road goes right or straight up – go up the hill STRAIGHT ON, passing Hegykapu Restaurant on your right. At the next crossing go right, following the signs saying: “Szt.Margit borút” . From this crossing we are about 200 ms, at the carpark.
Please note: We are easily accessible by any make of car, although caution is necessary on the way up , because of the single – track roads. Should you find yourself head-on with another car, local “Hill” rule is that it is always the car going uphill that needs to reverse back to the nearest lay-by, making way to the one coming down.
To contact us