Borarum membership

Because you asked for it. 6 bottles monthly, with a minimum of 10% discount on normal prices and free national delivery.
For the monthly 12 500 Ft membership fee we guarantee:
your monthly selection will be worth at least 13 800 Ft or higher in total
free delivery anywhere in Hungary
half-price ( 7500 Ft ) delivery within EU
we’ll send you our newest / most popular titles each given month
Your borarum membership needs no cancelling and involves no further commitments on your behalf – put as many of this “product” into your cart as many months you wish to purchase memebership for. ( e.g. for a quarterly scheme order 3, for half a year 6…etc. ) Your address you provide with this order will be stored in our members database, and you’ll automatically receive your shipment of 6 bottles at the beginning of every month.